M.T. Nezam-Mafi is the Director of Writing Studies at the School of Professional Studies and Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the English Department at Brown. He has a Masters in Creative Writing from Brown and a Ph.D. in English literature from Boston University. He has taught expository writing at Harvard, and expository writing and creative nonfiction at Brown and Becker College. At Becker, he served on the Interim President’s Advisory Board, which dealt with matters ranging from student life to campus expansion and merger, and he was a member of the Presidential Search Committee. He has worked on curriculum reform at both the department- and college-levels. His fiction has appeared in The Best American Short Stories, Agni, Antioch Review, and other literary magazines and has been performed on Symphonyspace. He has presented his research and papers on pedagogy at the national and regional conventions of the Modern Language Association (MLA, MMLA, NeMLA), as well as at the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), The International Society for Iranian Studies, and The Association for Core Texts and Courses (ACTC).