Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is an evidenced-based program for preventing and reducing the intensity and frequency of depressive relapse and negative affective states. It was developed by Zindel Segal, Mark Williams, and John Teasdale, experts in the fields of depression, cognitive therapy and research into the impact of mindfulness on depression.
Learn more about the 8-week MBCT course or register for an upcoming MBCT course as a participant.
A growing body of evidence coupled with a general interest in mindfulness-based programs as effective approaches for fostering well-being and resilience, has generated a growing demand to have MBCT more widely available. For this to happen, a larger number of highly-trained, competent MBCT teachers is needed.
Become a Certified MBCT Teacher
In partnership with the Mindfulness Center at Brown, the School of Professional Studies offers the Certificate in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Teaching. This is a unique opportunity for qualified healthcare professionals, like licensed therapists or counselors to incorporate MBCT into their work. As part of the Certificate in MBCT Teaching, a total of three silent retreats are required to complete the training, including a MBP-focused, 7-day retreat. For detailed information on policies and guidelines, please see our Mindfulness Resources.