Become a Certified MBSR Teacher
The Mindfulness Center at Brown in partnership with the School of Professional Studies is proud to present The Certificate in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teaching, a training pathway to become a certified MBSR teacher.
Learn more about the 8-week MBSR course or register for an upcoming MBSR course as a participant.
The Certificate in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teaching is a journey and an opportunity to learn how to teach MBSR from highly-experienced MBSR instructors and teacher-trainers. The full training program may be completed over 2+ years (though you are qualified to teach in 1 year) and includes a total of 398 hours of instruction along with additional time devoted to the practice of mindfulness. A total of four silent retreats are required to complete the training, including an MBSR-focused, 7-day retreat, which is an additional 115 hours for students. For detailed information on policies and guidelines, please see our Mindfulness Resources.