Why did you choose the Executive Master in Cybersecurity?
Please see my response below to what makes Brown's program different. In addition, the program format (mostly online, complemented with residential sessions) suited my time and capacity constraints. There is also the additional prestige associated with Brown University.
What makes Brown's program different from other programs you considered?
I found most graduate programs in cybersecurity to be technical in nature and geared towards front line practitioners. In contrast, the Brown University program is tailored for executives and provides a holistic coverage of cybersecurity matters, including policy and human factors.
What do you enjoy most about your program?
The program is challenging and pushes me outside of my comfort zone. The cohort interaction is very enriching as well.
What is your primary academic area of interest?
I was primarily interested in rounding out my experience-based domain knowledge with a formal cybersecurity education that encompassed more than just technology.
What advice would you give to prospective applicants?
What you get out of the program is directly correlated to how much you put into it.