Baba Prasad

Professor of the Practice of School of Professional Studies


Baba Prasad is Professor of the Practice of Leadership at Brown University, and is an author and expert in the fields of strategic management, innovation, and leadership. He is known for his work on agile leadership and organizational agility. Baba’s notable work includes the book, Nimble: Make Yourself and Your Company Resilient in the Age of Constant Change (Penguin Random House, 2018), which was endorsed by CEOs like Brad Smith (Intuit, USA), Frank D’Souza (Cognizant, India) and Frans van Houten (Royal Phillips, The Netherlands) and business thinkers like Adam Grant (Wharton) and Vijay Govindarajan (Dartmouth/Harvard). In Nimble, Baba integrates advances in theories of human intelligence and strategic leadership to arrive at a unique framework for executives and organizations to adapt and thrive in rapidly changing environments. 

Baba has a background in robotics & artificial intelligence and management, with degrees from the Indian Institute of Science, the University of Hyderabad, Kansas State University, and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Baba has taught at several prestigious business schools in the USA and India, and has been a consultant for various global organizations. He has been a columnist for Mint, the Indian business newspaper. Baba is also a writer of literary fiction and has recently completed his first novel.