Anna Lysyanskaya is a professor of Computer Science at Brown University in the area of cryptography. Her pioneering research is driving the industry toward security solutions that balance the needs for privacy with accountability.
In collaboration with other academics, Professor Lysyanskaya spearheaded advancements in cryptography that enable computer systems to authenticate users anonymously. Leading global corporations and standards bodies have adopted this technology, including IBM in their IdemixHer project, the Trusted Computing Group’s industrial standard, and the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC).
While at Brown, Professor Lysyanskaya received an NSF CAREER award and numerous other NSF grants that have supported her and her students’ research. She also spent a Sabbatical at the Weizmann Institute of Science (hosted by Moni Naor and Omer Reingold) and at the UCLA IPAM.
In 2007, the MIT Technology Review Magazine included Professor Lysyanskaya into their annual list of “35 Innovators under 35.” Other awards include the Sloan Research Fellowship, the IBM Faculty Fellowship, and the Google Faculty Research Award.
Professor Lysyanskaya received her Ph.D. in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from MIT in 2002, under supervision of Ron Rivest. Her Ph.D. thesis explores the uses of digital signature schemes in cryptographic protocols, as well as proposes several signature schemes especially suitable for use in protocols.