Guidelines for teacher training retreat requirements.
Guidelines for teacher training retreat requirements.
Retreats provide a way to deeply cultivate, explore, and strengthen sustained mindfulness practice. Held in silence and relative simplicity, a retreat can open a space for connecting with and learning from one’s inner life. Retreats are a key aspect of deepening in mindfulness practice, which we consider essential for anyone interested in teaching mindfulness.
In addition to the guidelines above, specific conditions for online retreats include:
Includes 16-18 hours of practice and 23 total hours
Below is a list of third party mindfulness retreat centers as a resource and convenience for participants. This list should not be construed as an endorsement or approval of any retreat center by Brown and the Mindfulness Center. Brown makes no representation or warranty about the quality of the retreat centers, and all participants should use their own judgment when evaluating a prospective retreat center.
We invite you to consider retreats offered by some of our adjunct mindfulness teachers through the websites below.
The Mindfulness and Health Institute (MHI), Providence, RI offers the Insight Inside Us Retreat and other multi-day retreats.
There are also many other retreat centers, some of which are listed below. It is not exhaustive, nor does every retreat held at the listed centers meet our requirements. The list can be used together with the guidelines above to find appropriate retreats.
Please note: Some of the teachers in these retreat centers also teach in different venues or teach alone. Silent retreats taught by teachers affiliated with any of these centers are acceptable as long as they have a mindfulness practice theme and adhere to the guidelines above. If a retreat center or teacher is not listed, please feel welcome to ask.
Learn more and be an informed participant and practitioner. Mindfulness practice is flexible, and there is no singular “right way” to engage with practice. As research continues, our commitment is to implement the most skillful methods for learning and practice in service to growth, health and well-being.